Do you guys make these toppers yourselves?
Yep. Our toppers are assembled smack dab in the middle of the U.S. of A. in beautiful St. Louis, Missouri. Parts are sourced from various vendors.
How long do your topper’s take to installation?
Approximately 30-90 minutes, depending on the model. Our installation manual’s are available here.
Is there any assembly required?
No. Everything is pre-assembled. However, our policy for installing toppers and t-shirts are the same. DIY.
Do your toppers include a warranty?
All parts include a warranty on operation, the length of time ranges from 120 days to 365 and varies by product.
If you have any issues with performance please contact us immediately and we will open a support ticket with you and work to re as quickly as possible.
In most cases, we will ship you replacement parts to fix your machine and work directly with you to replace them. Only in extreme cases will we request you return the product for repairs.
The warranty is non-transferrable.
What happens if I break a part on my topper?
Let us know what happened here and we’ll get you sorted.
Do you offer refunds on deposits or delivered toppers?
No, all sales are final.
Due to the limited availability of our products and the extensive amount of time and number of parts (over 10 hours of work and 300+ parts per topper), it is critical that we effectively plan and build units based on order commitments. This allows us to keep costs as low as low as possible. Planned but unfullfilled orders is extremely costly to our business, and is why we communicate up front that no refunds are available.
Our refunds on deposits are always transferrable to future products. If you need to cancel your deposit let us know and we’ll make sure it’s available as a credit for a future order.
Delivered toppers cannot be refunded. If a topper is not working within the 120 warranty period, we’ll work with you to fix or replace it.
How does the waitlist work?
For new products and products out of production, we may feature a no-commitment waitlist signup.
Signups are tracked by submission date, so we’ll contact waitlist members in the order of submission received by email to place an order when their spot is up.
Will the price change with future manufacturing batches?
We don’t currently have a planned price change, but it is possible if part costs change. If the price goes down for any reason, we’ll be sure to make it so that early units remain exclusive.
What’s the story with the company name?
Rob and Alec both grew up in the 80’s and somewhere along the line caught the “pinball flu” variant that so many of us now suffer from. We also distinctly remember our original arcade’s namesake.
Rob’s arcade of memory was called Challenges. It didn’t make the cut.
Alec’s arcade was located in Mt. Zion, Illinois, and was called The Electric Playground. We think it’s a great name for what we do and was an obvious choice.
Are you guys brothers?
No, we’re just two midwestern-born, corn-fed gents that both happen to be really, really good lookin’!
Toppers are for suckers?
Like so many of you, we too were sick of seeing subpar topper designs pulling in record-high prices, and pondering the question "who is buying these things?!" Ultimately, rather than sit around and continue complaining, we decided to tackle the problem head-on, but that doesn’t mean we can't still have some fun in the process!
Are the graphics on the topper a sticker?!? How do I clean it?
No. The graphics are screen printed directly to the acrylic panels on the opposite side that you see when facing the machine. This makes them easy to clean without risking damage to the graphics.
Are you available for partnerships or collaborations?
We are always up for a conversation! If you’re working on something cool, and think our skills could benefit the effort, please contact us here and let us know what you’re thinking.